Childhood Upbringing Determinants

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The following are Patient (About & History) Determinants

ICD-10 Z62 - Other problems related to upbringing

Excluding maltreatment syndromes (T74.-)

  • Z62.0 Inadequate parental supervision and control - Lack of parental knowledge of what the child is doing or where the child is; poor control; lack of concern or lack of attempted intervention when the child is in risky situations.
  • Z62.1 Parental overprotection - Pattern of upbringing resulting in infantilization and prevention of independent behaviour.
  • Z62.2 Institutional upbringing - Group foster care in which parenting responsibilities are largely taken over by some form of institution (such as residential nursery, orphanage, or children's home), or therapeutic care over a prolonged period in which the child is in a hospital, convalescent home or the like, without at least one parent living with the child.
  • Z62.3 Hostility towards and scapegoating of child - Negative parental behaviour specifically focused on the child as an individual, persistent over time and pervasive over several child behaviours (e.g. automatically blaming the child for any problems in the household or attributing negative characteristics to the child).
  • Z62.4 Emotional neglect of child - Parent talking to the child in a dismissive or insensitive way. Lack of interest in the child, of sympathy for the child's difficulties and of praise and encouragement. Irritated reaction to anxious behaviour and absence of sufficient physical comforting and emotional warmth.
  • Z62.5 Other problems related to neglect in upbringing - Lack of learning and play experience
  • Z62.6 Inappropriate parental pressure and other abnormal qualities of upbringing - Parents forcing the child to be different from the local norm, either sex-inappropriate (e.g. dressing a boy in girl's clothes), age-inappropriate (e.g. forcing a child to take on responsibilities above her or his own age) or otherwise inappropriate (e.g. pressing the child to engage in unwanted or too difficult activities).
  • Z62.8 Other specified problems related to upbringing
  • Z62.9 Problem related to upbringing, unspecified